OCTOBER 27th TO NOVEMBER 1st, 2024

Sheraton Buganvilias Hotel · Puerto Vallarta · Jalisco · Mexico


Archeometry · Climatology, climate change and atmospheric sciences · Soil sciences · Geophysical exploration · Space physics · Structural geology and tectonics · Geodesy · Environmental geology and geophysics · Petroleum geology · Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism · Geohydrology · Geochemistry and petrology · Modeling of geophysical systems · Oceanology · Coastal oceanography · Paleontology · Natural hazards · Sedimentology and stratigraphy · Seismology · Vulcanology


Proposal for special sessions and courses: June 2nd · Abstract submission: August 11th · Participant pre-registration: September 8th


CN01 Proposals for special sessions
Date: From April 13th to June 2nd
CN02 Course proposals
Date: From April 13th to June 2nd
CN03 Earth sciences teacher of the year award
Date: From August 14th to September 24th
CN04 Manuel Maldonado Koerdell medal
Date: From August 14th to September 24th
CN05 Francisco Medina Martínez award
Date: From August 14th to September 24th
CN06 Scientific short story contest
Date: From August 14th to September 30th
CN07 Earth sciences knowledge contest for undergraduate students
Date: From August 14th to October 11th
CN08 Support program for undergraduate students
Date: From August 22nd to September 18th

Water: from academia to governance - towards a resilient system in the context of global change


Monday, October 28th, 8:45 CST


  • Carlos Gay García Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, UNAM


  • Graciela Herrera Zamarrón Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM
  • Agustín Robles Morua Departamento de Ciencias del Agua y del Medio Ambiente, ITSON
  • María Aurora Armienta Hernández Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM
  • Jaime Carrera Hernández Instituto de Geociencias, UNAM


  • Lucia Capra Instituto de Geociencias, UNAM

Plenary talks

Telma Gloria Castro Romero

Instituto de Ciencias Atmosféricas y Cambio Climático, UNAM

Samantha B. Joye

Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia

Maria Sergeeva

Instituto de Geofísica, Unidad Morelia, UNAM

Dayanthie Weeraratne

Department of Geological Sciences, California State University, Northridge


Consult the general program for detailed information on the days and times of plenary talks, regular sessions, special sessions, presentations, and all other activities scheduled for the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana. The program is designed to facilitate learning and idea exchange among students, professors, researchers, and all RAUGM 2024 participants.

General program

We invite you to download the RAUGM 2024 general program app on your mobile device. Through this app, you will have access to the full schedule of presentations and posters, allowing you to create a personalized calendar with the topics of most interest to you. Additionally, you can find detailed information about the plenary talks, as well as a complete list of events and activities that will take place during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana. The app is available on the App Store for iOS devices and on Google Play for Android devices.

App Store
Google Play

Regular sessions

AR Archeometry
Galia González Hernández galia@igeofisica.unam.mx
Ángel Ramírez Luna rangel@igeofisica.unam.mx
CS Soil science
Sergio Alvarado Soto sergio.alvarado@uacj.mx
CCA Climatology, climate change and atmospheric sciences
Erika Danaé López Espinoza danae@atmosfera.unam.mx
Luis Felipe Pineda Martínez luisfpm23@gmail.com
Guillermo Montero Martínez gmontero@atmosfera.unam.mx
EG Geophysical exploration
Diego Ruiz Aguilar druiz@cicese.mx
Favio Cruz Hernández fcruz@cicese.edu.mx
Mario Fuentes Arreazola mario.fuentes@academicos.udg.mx
FE Space physics
Esmeralda Romero Hernández esmeralda.romerohdz@uanl.edu.mx
José Juan González Avilés jgonzaleza@enesmorelia.unam.mx
GEOD Geodesy
Guillermo Cisneros gcisneros@igeofisica.unam.mx
GEOH Geohydrology
Janete Morán Ramírez janete.moran@ipicyt.edu.mx
José Alfredo Ramos Leal jalfredo@ipicyt.edu.mx
GP Petroleum geology
Javier Arellano Gil arellano@unam.mx
GET Structural geology and tectonics
Dante Morán Zenteno dantez@unam.mx
GGA Environmental geology and geophysics
Laura Elizabeth Peña García pglaurae@gmail.com
Roberto Maciel Flores romacielf@gmail.com
Martín Hernández Marín mhernandez@correo.uaa.mx
GEOPAL Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism
Alejandro Rodríguez Trejo alexrt@geociencias.unam.mx
Fredy Rubén Cejudo Ruiz ruben@igeofisica.unam.mx
Miguel Angel Cervantes Solano miguel_cervantes@enesmorelia.unam.mx
GEOQP Geochemistry and petrology
Mario Emmanuel Boijseauneau López cswasa@gmail.com
Johana Andrea Gómez Arango johanagomezarango@gmail.com
MSG Modeling of geophysical systems
OCC Coastal oceanography
Braulio Juárez Araiza braulio.juarez@uabc.edu.mx
Héctor García Nava hector.gnava@uabc.edu.mx
Amaia Ruiz de Alegría Arzaburu amaia@uabc.edu.mx
Christian Appendini cappendinia@iingen.unam.mx
Isaac Rodríguez Padilla isaac.rodriguez.padilla@uabc.edu.mx
OCE Oceanography
Alejandro Souza alejandro.souza@cinvestav.mx
Erik Coria Monter erikcmonter@gmail.com
Elizabeth Durán duranelizabethster@gmail.com
PALEO Paleontology
Adolfo Pacheco Castro apacheco@geociencias.unam.mx
RN Natural hazards
David Novelo davidnovelo@yahoo.com
Gerardo Suárez gersua@yahoo.com
SED Sedimentology and stratigraphy
Isabel Israde Alcantara isabel.israde@umich.mx
Norma González Cervantes norma.gonzalez@edu.uaa.mx
Mildred Zepeda mildredzm@geociencias.unam.mx
SIS Seismology
Héctor González Huizar hgonzalez@cicese.mx
Francisco Córdoba Montiel fcordoba@uv.mx
VUL Vulcanology
Martha Gabriela Gómez-Vasconcelos ga8ygomez@gmail.com
Denis Avellán davellan@igeofisica.unam.mx

Special sessions

SE01 Physical limnology
Tzitlali Gasca Ortiz tzitlali.gasca@academicos.udg.mx
Diego Armando Pantoja González diego.pantoja@academicos.udg.mx
Jorge Manuel Montes Aréchiga jorge.montes@academicos.udg.mx
María del Refugio Barba mdelrefugio.barba@academicos.udg.mx
SE02 Geosciences in society: education, outreach and dissemination
Marina Manea marina@geociencias.unam.mx
Rodrigo Pérez Luján perezlr@geociencias.unam.mx
Miguel Ángel Martínez Rodríguez miguelmartinez@geociencias.unam.mx
SE03 Space sciences, prebiotic chemistry and astrobiology
Alejandro Paredes Arriaga alejandro.paredes@correo.nucleares.unam.mx
Guadalupe Cordero Tercero gcordero@igeofisica.unam.mx
SE04 Geoheritage and geodiversity
Gerardo de Jesús Aguirre-Díaz ger@geociencias.unam.mx
Carles Canet-Miquel ccanet@igeofisica.unam.mx
Geraldine Verónica Vázquez-Alarcón geraldinevazal@ciencias.unam.mx
SE05 Paleoclimatic reconstruction: continental and marine records
Claudia Magali Chávez Lara chavezlara@igeofisica.unam.mx
Margarita Caballero maga@igeofisica.unam.mx
SE06 The Estación Regional del Noroeste: 50 years of UNAM presence in northwest Mexico
Alexis Del Pilar Martínez adelpilarmtz@gmail.com
Thierry Calmus arnithy@gmail.com
Carlos Manuel González León cmgleon@unam.mx
SE07 Small earthquakes, big challenges
Marco Calò calo@igeofisica.unam.mx
Ericka Alinne Solano Hernández esolano@enesmorelia.unam.mx
Juan Martín Gómez González gomez@geociencias.unam.mx
Raúl Ramón Castro Escamilla raul@cicese.mx
SE08 Current state of the geological, geophysical and hydrometeorological knowledge and on the monitoring of Pico de Orizaba (Citlaltépetl) volcano
Rafael Torres-Orozco raftorres@uv.mx
José Luis Arce Saldaña jlarce@geologia.unam.mx
Francisco Córdoba Montiel fcordoba@uv.mx
Víctor Hugo Soto Molina visoto@uv.mx
SE09 The rocks through images: exploring their microstructure
SE10 Luis Manuel Alva Valdivia and his legacy in paleomagnetism, geophysics, earth sciences, and beyond
Alejandro Rodríguez Trejo alexrt@geociencias.unam.mx
Harald Böhnel hboehnel@geociencias.unam.mx
Luis Alonso Velderrain Rojas luis1523@hotmail.com
Bernardo Ignacio García Amador bernardoiga@gmail.com
SE11 The groundwater flow systems vision to solve groundwater issues in Mexico
Selene Olea Olea selene@geologia.unam.mx
Eric Morales Casique ericmc@geologia.unam.mx
José Luis Lezama Campos lcjose@geologia.unam.mx
SE12 Renewable energy and energy systems
Vanesa Magar vmagar@cicese.edu.mx
Osvaldo Rodríguez osroh@ier.unam.mx
Carlos López calovi@ier.unam.mx
Alejandro Camilo Espinosa Ramírez alejandro.espinosa@academicos.udg.mx
SE13 Oceanographic, atmospheric sciences and society: ¿how do we communicate?
Victor Alejandro Arias Esquivel alexarias7114@gmail.com
Andrea Mitre Apaez mitre@cicese.edu.mx
Yoalli Hernández Marmolejo yoalli@atmosfera.unam.mx
Ana Lucía de Santos Medina desantos@cicese.edu.mx
SE14 Advances in environmental monitoring based on open-source electronics platforms, hardware and software
Luis Arturo Méndez Barroso luis.mendez78585@potros.itson.edu.mx
Ian Mateo Sosa Tinoco ian.sosa@itson.edu.mx
Agustín Robles Morúa agustin.robles@itson.edu.mx
Luis Adrian Castro Quiroa luisadrian@gmail.com
SE15 Technological innovations in the dissemination of data and scientific knowledge
Agustin Robles Morua agustin.robles@itson.edu.mx
Laurent Avila Chauvet LAUrent.ac.ags@gmail.com
Luis A. Mendez Barroso luis.mendez@itson.edu.mx
Rolando Diaz Caravantes rdiaz@colson.edu.mx
SE16 Air quality measurements from the space: tropospheric emissions: pollution monitoring observations (TEMPO)
SE17 Climatic models the mexican seas, where are we and where should we be heading?
Sheila Estrada-Allis sheila@cicese.mx
Paulina Cetina Heredia pcetina@cicese.mx
Karina Ramos Musalem kramosmu@cicese.mx
Tereza Cavazos Pérez tcavazos@cicese.mx
SE18 Research in biogeosciences for the study of ecosystems in Mexico - LNC MexFlux
Tonantzin Tarin ttarin@iecologia.unam.mx
Lyssette E. Muñoz-Villers lyssette.munoz@atmosfera.unam.mx
Enrico Arturo Yépez enrico.yepez@itson.edu.mx
SE19 Quality management systems in geosciences
Octavio Gómez Ramos octavio@igeofisica.unam.mx
Caridad Cárdenas Monroy caridad@sismologico.unam.mx
Adriana Elizabeth González Cabrera gonzalezc@igeofisica.unam.mx
SE20 30 years of activity of the Popocatépetl Volcano: advances in the knowledge of its eruptive history, monitoring, hazard and risk assessment
Lucia Capra Pedol lcapra@geociencias.unam.mx
Giovanni Sosa Ceballos gsosaceballos@gmail.com
SE21 Exhibitors at the Annual Meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union 2024
Salvador Fernández salvador9726@gmail.com
SE22 Plenary talks

Abstract submission

From May 11th to August 11th, the abstract submission for the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana (RAUGM) will be open.

To submit abstracts, a valid membership is required. For students, membership is optional. If you do not have a membership yet or need to renew it, please visit the membership webpage of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana.

The cost for abstract submission is $607 MXN plus 16% Tax. We accept payments with Visa and MasterCard.

Submit View


Oral presentation

Oral presentations are assigned 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for questions. Presentations will only be accepted in PowerPoint or PDF format. Macintosh computers are not available, so it is recommended to verify your presentation on a PC before submission.

Presentations must be submitted no later than the day before their scheduled time in the general program. To submit, please email your presentation to raugm.pv@gmail.com. The email subject should be Presentation NNNN, where NNNN corresponds to the presentation number, such as SIS-12 or SE01-03. The file should also be named with the presentation number, followed by the first author's last name; for example, SIS-12-Suarez or SE01-03-Contreras. If the presentation file is too large to send via email, please use a cloud storage service to share it.

Poster presentation

The maximum size for poster presentations is 1 meter wide by 2 meters high (vertical format). Posters will be displayed throughout the day they are scheduled in the general program. The presenter must be present during the designated poster presentation time. Posters should be put up by 8:30 a.m. and removed at the end of the day's activities. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for any posters that are not removed.

Participant registration

Make the payment of your registration to RAUGM 2024 before September 8th and get a special price.



  • Cost for undergraduate students
  • Price in MXN
  • Student ID is required
  • Add 16% tax
  • After September 8th: $2,202



  • Cost for graduate students
  • Price in MXN
  • Student ID is required
  • Add 16% tax
  • After September 8th: $2,886



  • Cost for participants with membership
  • Price in MXN
  • Add 16% tax
  • After September 8th: $5,000



  • Cost for participants without membership
  • Price in MXN
  • Add 16% tax
  • After September 8th: $6,150

We accept Visa and MasterCard. Registration for one day has a cost of 55% of the registration for the entire week. To obtain/renew your UGM membership, please visit the membership webpage of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana.


Course registration

Don’t miss the opportunity to join the courses offered at RAUGM 2024. Registration is open, and spots are limited, so we recommend signing up as soon as possible. Click the registration button to complete your enrollment.


CU01 Seismogram analysis
Thursday, October 31, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-13:00 (4 hrs)
CU02 Introduction to seismic data processing with Machine Learning: automatic models for picking and phase association
Thursday, October 31, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-13:00 (4 hrs)
CU03 Introduction to Submesoscale Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) with Python and Artificial Intelligence
Wednesday, October 30, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-13:00 (4 hrs)
CU04 Acquisition and signal processing using Software Defined Radio (SDR)
Friday, November 1, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-15:00 (6 hrs)
CU05 Applications of geochemistry to the study of the fossil record
Wednesday, October 30, 15:30-19:30 (4 hrs)
CU06 Applied hydrogeochemistry
Tuesday, October 29, 15:30-19:30 (4 hrs)
CU07 Fundamentals on sensor programming for geosciences on Arduino and ESP3 systems
Tuesday, October 29, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-13:00 (4 hrs)
CU08 Determination of orbits of asteroids and comets using Python
Friday, November 1, 13:00-17:00 (4 hrs)
CU09 QGIS applied to hydrology
Thursday, October 31, 15:30-19:30 (4 hrs)
CU10 Processing georeferenced data with Jupyterlab using Conda environments and the Spack package manager
Sunday, October 27, 11:30-13:30, 15:00-19:00 (6 hrs)
CU11 Methods and applications of isotope geochemistry
Monday, October 28, 11:00-13:00, 15:30-19:30 (6 hrs)
CU12 Preparation of whole rock samples and mineral concentrates for isotopic geochemistry and geochronology studies
Thursday, October 31, 15:30-19:30 (4 hrs)
CU13 Build your own web for real time geophysical data visualization
Monday, October 28, 11:00-13:00, 15:30-19:30 (6 hrs)
CU14 Hydrogeochemical modeling using Phreeqc and PhreePlot
Sunday, October 27, 11:30-13:30, 15:00-19:00 (6 hrs)
CU15 Obtaining H-alpha images using specialized software
Friday, November 1, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-13:00 (4 hrs)
CU16 Python tools for data processing of wind buoy data and currents ADCP data
Wednesday, October 30, 15:30-19:30 (4 hrs)
CU17 Introduction to satellite image processing using Python
Wednesday, October 30, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-13:00 (4 hrs)
CU18 Numerical modeling of geothermal systems in TOUGH2: principles and strategies
Tuesday, October 29, 08:30-10:30, 11:00-13:00, 15:30-17:30 (6 hrs)

We accept payments with Visa and MasterCard. The registration fee for courses is $590.00 MXN for students, $925.00 MXN for members, and $1,595.00 MXN for non-members. A 16% VAT must be added to these amounts. No changes or refunds are allowed. All courses are in-person and available only to participants registered for the RAUGM 2024. Each course is limited to 20 participants. To obtain or update your membership, please visit the membership webpage of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana.


The Expo at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana will feature companies promoting their products and services, as well as academic institutions presenting their study programs.



The Annual Meeting of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana 2024 will take place at the Sheraton Buganvilias Hotel in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. This hotel, known for its top-notch facilities and excellent seaside location, will provide an ideal setting for the academic sessions and social activities that are part of the RAUGM 2024 program.

home Website: sheratonvallarta.com
place Address: Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio No. 999, Zona Hotelera Las Glorias C.P. 48333, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México
gps_fixed GPS coordinates: 20.626882, -105.230771
local_airport Local airport: PVR

1st Option (Breakfast included)

Room Single Double Triple
Deluxe $3,150 MXN $1,699 MXN $1,390 MXN
Sheraton Club $3,890 MXN $2,100 MXN NA
Junior Suite $4,790 MXN $2,499 MXN NA
Master Suite $5,990 MXN $3,100 MXN NA

Price per person, per night. Price with taxes included. Includes buffet breakfast. Tips included for bellman, housekeeper and breakfast. Up to two children under 17 years old without charge sharing room with two adults, does not include breakfast.

2nd Option (Without breakfast)

Room Single Double Triple
Deluxe $2,500 MXN $2,500 MXN $2,900 MXN
Sheraton Club $3,000 MXN $3,000 MXN NA
Junior Suite $3,900 MXN $3,900 MXN NA
Master Suite $5,000 MXN $5,000 MXN NA

Price per room, per night. Add tax of 19%. It does not include tips for bellman and housekeeper, these will be charged to the room. Up to two children under 17 years old without charge sharing room with two adults.

3rd Option (Students, without breakfast)

Room Single Double Triple
Garden $2,250 MXN $2,250 MXN $2,650 MXN

Price per room, per night. Add tax of 19%. It does not include tips for bellman and housekeeper, these will be handled at client discretion. A valid student ID will be required to apply for this room rate. Breakfasts at 2x1 on the current price. 30% discount on meals, dinners and non-alcoholic beverages. The 2x1 on breakfast and the 30% discount on meals, dinners and non-alcoholic beverages also apply to students not registered in the hotel by presenting the student's ID and the 2024 Annual Meeting badge.

Check-in and check-out

  • Check-in: 15:00 hrs.
  • Check-out: 12:00 hrs.

Mandatory tips

In case that the plan or package does not include tips for bellman and housekeeper, they will be charged directly to the room (does not apply to the student package).

  • Bellman: $60.00 MXN per person, includes arrival and departure.
  • Housekeeper: $45.00 MXN per person, per night.
  • Butlers: $50.00 MXN per room, per night.


By phone:

By email:

There are a limited number of rooms, we suggest you make your reservation as soon as possible. To receive the special rate and obtain the prices published on this page, in your reservation you must inform that you attend the Annual Meeting of the Unión Geofísica Mexicana 2024.

Additional benefits

15% discount on food and drinks in consumer centers. 15% discount on stores (not applicable in tobacco stores nor grocery stores). 15% discount on SPA. Usage of the gym in courtesy. These benefits apply to all participants enrolled in the 2024 Annual Meeting.


We sincerely appreciate the valuable support of our sponsors, whose commitment and collaboration enable us to keep growing and achieving new goals.


Associated societies

The Unión Geofísica Mexicana has collaboration agreements with the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG), the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), and the Geological Society of America (GSA). Additionally, it is a member of the Community Science Exchange of the AGU.